APPG CBBS launches Coronavirus Impact Survey

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Challenger Banks and Building Societies is currently running an inquiry into the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on building societies and challenger institutions.

While the pandemic has affected all areas of society including the financial services sector, there has been less focus on the impact it has had on smaller institutions and mutuals.

The APPG plans to examine this impact in more detail and has circulated a short survey to gather information about their experiences.

The survey consists of 10 questions and has been circulated to all the APPGs financial services stakeholders. All responses will be treated anonymously unless institutions state they are happy to be referenced.

We will also be holding an evidence and publishing a short report on our findings and have invited firms to submit additional written evidence in relation to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic if they wish.

The deadline for all responses to be submitted is 5pm on Friday 12th June.

If your institution is interested in participating in this inquiry and completing the survey, please contact the APPG Secretariat for more details.